
Thursday, 27 October 2016

Thick as a brick

Yesterday the Independent published an article claiming Religious people understand the world less. Well all I can say is I am thick as a brick and proud of it.

I suppose that the following people understand the world less:

  • John Lennox - mathematician and philosopher
  • William Lane Craig - philosopher
  • Francis Collins - led the human genome project
  • John Polkinghorne - physicist
I could go on. I too am an academic (though definitely not in the same league as the above list of people) and a believer in Jesus Christ. I have seen belief in Jesus Christ transform the lives of drug addicts. I have seen belief in Jesus Christ enable people to get through terrible situations. I have seen belief in Jesus Christ motivate people to acts of great kindness and personal sacrifice. 

Personally I have found that belief in Jesus Christ enables me to understand the world more. I have found that belief in Jesus Christ gives me the strength to cope with difficult times in life. I find that belief in Jesus Christ enables me to overcome the world.

So, I am delighted to be thick as a brick. Or, to quote the word of another eminently stupid man:

For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (1 Cor 1:15)

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